The instruments of Ulrich Hinsberger are based on the fundamentals of the great Italien "classics", such as Antonio Stradivari 1644-1736 and Giuseppe Guarneri del Gesù 1698-1744 amongst others.
Nowadays, thanks to the drawing- methods discovered by Francois Denis it is possible to reconstruct classical instruments, arriving at a deep understanding of the proportions and aesthetics of these grand ideals.
Ulrich Hinsberger: “I do not need to invent the violin anew! Moreover I wish to leave my signature within this mature system. I was always intrigued by the expressive instruments of the Classics, as well as the fine instruments of the good contemporaries. In mutual workshops with colleagues I have learned a lot, however I found that imitating their stylistic detail did not lead to the effect I wished for.
Moreover I was fascinated by the holistic concept, showing the personal signature of the respective maker. Only after finding my own personal style, defined by a clear, sharp edge work and precise appearance, my work was convincing to me and successful in competitions. These very properties represent my personal nature and ultimately make my instruments "authentic", and, one is at his best when authentic! The pictured Strad.-models have all been constructed, planned and executed as a whole Quartet.:
The violin was made over "forma P", the cello over "forma B", by Antonio Stradivari, going back to his best, the "golden" period. The viola is my own creation, but reminiscent of Stradivaris P- mold. From fully varnished instruments I make copies, the latter mostly on Guarneri del Gesu- designs. I am always appreciative of musicians willing to play "new-looking instruments" in order to gain their own "history" together with the instrument.